The changing insurance landscape is leaving patients more and more responsible for the payment of their services. Some of these responsibilities include copays, deductibles, and/or…
Icy conditions cause falls and broken ankles With the hectic pace of the holidays, serious injuries from ice-related falls inevitably occur. Allentown Family Foot Care…
If your children are playing sports this fall, pay attention to these tips that could help protect them from serious ankle injuries. Every fall, I…
It’s vacation season. Whether you have a trip booked or just plan to stay in the area, it will probably involve a lot of activity.…
“HEEL PAIN” A real show stopper Heel pain (plantar fasciitis) is one of the most common problems seen in podiatric medical offices throughout the country.…
The Ugly Thick Toenail Part two – Preventative Measures Little critters called dermatophytes are responsible for causing the nasty fungal toenail infections. These dermatophyes are…
Check out this article from
Ugly Fungal Toenails Ugly toenails are now one of the most common patient concerns seen by podiatric physicians. These ugly, nasty nails are often referred…
DRY CRACKED HEELS By: Lora Baker, DPM, FACFAS, FAPWCA Tis the season for dry, cracking skin. Dry, cracked heels are a common problem facing many…
“As I grow older a part of my emotional survival plan must be to actively seek inspiration instead of passively waiting for it to find…